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Hello NASPA members,
In the coming months, we will be electing Advisory Board (AB) members in the Northeast, Canada, and the Midwest. If you would like to run for an AB position or to nominate another player for the AB, please read the remaining background regarding the AB and be in touch with us about nominating yourself or someone else. Nominations will open tomorrow, May 1, 2016, and run through May 31st.
Nominate any NASPA member by emailing the nominee's name to Nominations for reelection are permissible.
In 1987, the Advisory Board (AB) was established within the National SCRABBLE Association (NSA) by John Williams to a.) give players a sense of involvement and representation and b) be perceived as more democratic. The AB remained intact in the transition from the NSA to NASPA. The current Advisory Board's tasks are to: 1. Represent the players by bringing the membership’s ideas forward for discussion with the Executive Committee and other Board members. 2. Hear appeals and decide on disciplinary actions as a result of Incident Reports filed by players and/or Directors. 3. Decide on major changes to the game. 4. Determine policies on standards for committee members and Directors. 5. Advise the Executive Committee on issues of policy. 6. Communicate with the membership on behalf of the organization.
Five years ago, the first elected positions were added to the AB. As the membership has called for more voice, more democratic processes and more transparency, the current Advisory Board has been discussing the AB structure. The Advisory Board is now half elected members and half members who are appointed by their predecessors, seeking balance and diversity in terms of gender, geographical region, skill level, participation level (player / Club Director / Tournament Director), etc.
We hope that there is interest from players in becoming involved in the Advisory Board. NASPA is only as strong as its volunteers, as there is much that can and should be done that cannot be done by Executive Committee alone.
In 2016, elections will be held for Northeast, Midwest and Canada. In 2017, elections will run for AB representatives in the West and South, as well as one at-large seat that can be filled by any NASPA member. Nominate any NASPA member by emailing the nominee's name to
If you are nominating someone else, an AB member will reach out to that person to confirm their desire to run. Nominees will be asked to submit a platform statement describing their interest in serving on the Advisory Board, their qualifications, and any other information that they would like to share. Nominations will open May 1 and run through May 31st. All platform statements will be posted on the NASPA website.
NASPA members may vote for the representatives in each region. Voting will be done through the Member Services portion of the NASPA website. Voting will be open from June 3 through June 30.
Additional details will be sent to the membership about the AB on the NASPA-PRO listserv. Please refer to that group for additional information. To learn more about the duties and responsibilities of AB members, you are also welcome to reach out to current and past members.
The above was written by Kate Fukawa-Connelly.
Kate will be one of the outgoing members and will once again be overseeing the nomination and election processes. She and this year’s board have been exemplary in the performance of their duties.
I told them the other evening during our teleconference that I have watched them all go through the gamut of emotions and that they have been presented with difficult issues that they have handled with a very high level of insight and professionalism. It has been a thoughtful and productive year!
The 12 current Advisory Board members and their contact information are located on NASPA’s website at
To name them here:
This page was last edited on 19 May 2016, at 07:40. Privacy policy
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