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If you’ve read our Cardboxing 101 article and are eager to learn more about the subject, great! Here are some tips and tricks to help you build and maintain your cardbox with the best of them. This article focuses on cardboxing in the NASPA Zyzzyva (NZ) desktop application or NASPA Zyzzyva Mobile (NZM) mobile app.
It’s best to start building your cardbox on a system where you’ve already built up a quiz history, because NZ and NZM will give you credit for words that you seem to know well, planting them deeper in the cardbox. If you’ve never done quizzes before, everything you add to the cardbox is going to land in Cardbox 0 and be due immediately.
If you’re just starting out with a new NZ or NZM installation, be sure to sync your data with your habitual NZ or NZM installation first, to bring that quiz history up to date in both places, and, for the love of all that is good and holy, please be careful not to sync a new and virtually empty mobile cardbox/quiz-stats database over any older desktop database that you wanted to keep — read the warnings! For information about data synchronization, see Data Synchronization in NASPA Zyzzyva and NASPA Zyzzyva Mobile and the related help text in NZ and NZM.
As we pointed out in the introductory article, with cardboxing as with any abstruse study, discouragement is the enemy. With that in mind, it’s almost always best to start small.
Maybe we should start with that word, ABSTRUSE. Looks like a good word to know, and one that most expert players wouldn’t easily see in their rack of AEUBRST as they fixate on finding a place for ARBUTES or BURSATE (or SURBATE#, if they play the International English lexicon). Zyzzyva tells us that ABSTRUSE is middlingly probable as eight-letter words go, #12247 out of 31736, but, with its two S’s and its familiar meaning, it seems more worth knowing than, say, FROMENTY (#12189). So, we have to make a decision: Do we populate our cardbox by raw probability or by pattern, and how big do we go?
We recommend that you start by pattern, using defined groups of words that many word players have come to recognize as worth studying. (You definitely won’t enjoy the result if you populate your cardbox with the 12247 most probable eight-letter words.) You may have heard people talk about “stem” groups like TISANE? and SATIRE?, and these are definitely the ones to go with if you want to cardbox with seven-letter words and don’t know where to start. Or, maybe you’re not so concerned with long words and just want to know the “high fives” (words beginning or ending with four- or five-point letters) that can easily score 30 or 40 points when played in the right spot. Either way, a pattern search is where you should start.
If you’re using NZ on a desktop computer, you can do these searches quickly using the Search tab’s many predefined search specifications (e.g., Load Search… → [up a level] predefined → Top 7s By Stem → 001 TISANE.zzs) and its Belongs to Group condition. Run a search, see how many words it finds, then decide if this is a group worth studying. If so, right-click the list of found words and choose Add list to Cardbox… The NZM app can do basic pattern searches like TISANE? and group searches, but for more complex searches you may want to consider populating the cardbox in NZ and then syncing it to NZM.
Even a small cardbox of 200 words or so can be a bit overwhelming to start, especially if you’re intent on keeping at it every day until there are no more questions due. It can be like a new baby to start. Here are some anti-infanticide tips:
This would be a good time to review the points in Cardboxing 101 about scheduling and sizing, now that you have mastered the controls.
How far can you go with cardboxing in NZ and NZM? That depends only on your availability and your patience. There are people who study tens of thousands of words this way, short ones and long ones, and the benefits are huge. One thing you’ll notice is that you’ve gained both inclusive and exclusive knowledge of anagrams: It’s valuable to know the nine words to be found in AEINRST, and even more valuable to know that there aren’t more than those, so you can instantly challenge RESTAIN*.
The next step, for those who care about agility in game situations, is to drill by speed of recognition, which is something your cardbox won’t do (unless you enable NZ’s timer option on your cardbox quiz). For that, we recommend Aerolith’s WordWalls, an online tool with nearly infinite depth for everyone from intermediate players to world champions.
A standard quiz is one you create (in NZ or NZM) without selecting the cardbox option, and it doesn’t require a cardbox to work. You just tell it how to search for the words to quiz on, and the program will shuffle the questions in random order and track your progress over time. If you leave it and come back to it later, it will remember where you were, so all of the “state” is built into the saved quiz itself. A cardbox quiz is only useful if you’ve already built up a number of words from earlier searches that you want to study repeatedly, and this type of quiz is never actually saved, because all of the progress “state” is in the cardbox database, as it tracks your successes and failures and the due dates for each question. You may open your regular cardbox quiz and find that there are no questions due, or a hundred. Then, it’s up to you to decide how to tweak the settings and the number of words in the cardbox to suit your style.
If you mark a question incorrect by mistake, you have an opportunity to fix that in the moment by clicking Mark as Correct (NZ) or the Check button (NZM), but, once you’ve moved on to the next question, you’ll need to make the repair manually. One way is to run a search for that word you missed, then move the resulting words to a specific cardbox. On NZ, that means right-clicking the list, choosing Remove list from Cardbox, then right-clicking the list again, choosing Add list to Cardbox…, clicking Specify cardbox, and telling it where to put the question. On NZM, press Action, choose Move to Cardbox, then tell it where to put the question. On NZM, there is another way, which is to use the Manage tab to locate the question in Cardbox 0, select it, then press Action, choose Move to Cardbox, then tell it where to put the question.
Searching by probability is something you won’t see in the streamlined NZM interface, so for this you’ll need NZ. Open a Search tab, choose a Length condition to limit the search to seven-letter words, and add a Probability Order condition with minimum 1 and maximum 1000; a Lax search will return more than 1000 words if those following words are equally probable, which is what you probably want. Click Search, then right-click the list and choose Add list to Cardbox… with the default option to Estimate cardbox based on past performance. (A lot of the listed words will end up in Cardbox 0, but some may be higher if you’ve solved those quiz questions correctly before; any question that was already in your cardbox will stay where it was.) If you want to quiz in NZM with your newly expanded cardbox, you’ll need to sync out from NZ and back in to NZM.
A lexicon’s Anagrams cardbox is never actually subdivided, so what you are wanting is to run a search-restricted cardbox quiz. You’ll find the option to impose a search restriction in the New Quiz dialog in both NZ and NZM. In NZ, you can save that quiz as you would any other quiz, then load it when you feel like quizzing on just the -ING words, or whatever. Since the NZM interface’s selection of search options is limited, only NZ can create a cardbox quiz that is restricted by probability or various other conditions, but (aha!) once you’ve saved that quiz and synced it to your mobile device, the quiz engine in NZM will respect the search restriction when you load that saved quiz.
Sadly, no. The word engine that does searches is aware only of the lexicon files in the installation and any lexicon-database files that you may have created from them, not the contents of your cardbox. You can run a cardbox quiz with a search restriction, though. If your purpose is to extract the list of questions in your cardbox, we recommend you (carefully) open the quiz-statistics/cardbox database in an application such as DB Browser for SQLite.
That’s probably because you’re too good at this! Both NZ’s and NZM’s cardbox settings have a default Schedule value and a Window value for each cardbox from 0 to 15. When a question is placed in a box, it’s given a random due date that is up to Window days more or less than Schedule days, as the Window value controls how widely to spread them. The default settings are fairly good at smoothing out the curve of questions due per day, which you can see in NZ’s Cardbox tab and NZM’s Manage tab (under By Schedule), but you’re welcome to increase those Window values if it helps even out the lumps.
The cardbox system keeps track of each question’s due date even after they come due, so you can always see how many days past due your questions are. Rather than moving individual questions between cardboxes as a way to reschedule them, you should get to know the Shift By Days and Shift By Questions Due actions in NZM’s Manage tab; in NZ, choose Tools → Reschedule Cardbox Contents… and look for the similarly named buttons. Both of these rescheduling commands have the same effect, which is to shift all questions forward or back by the same amount of time, the only difference being how that amount of time is calculated. The Reschedule By Cardbox command is stronger; it scrubs all existing due dates, maintaining each question in its current box but with a new due date based on the Schedule and Window values — almost the same as what would happen if you deleted them all from the cardbox and then added them back. This latter command is useful after you’ve been studying just a subgroup of words in your cardbox for a while, when you switch back to the full cardbox, and find to your horror that the words you stopped studying are now way past due and want to be done before all the rest.
Both NZ and NZM can operate on cardboxes that are synced with Dropbox cloud storage, and in that way, multiple devices can sync their cardbox/quiz-statistics databases with each other. As of version 3.4.0, both NZ and NZM have buttons to sync “actively” with Dropbox, without you having to install the Dropbox application.
In the case of NZ up to version 3.3.0, you won’t see any mention of syncing in the application interface, but you can use the Preferences dialog to make it look for its data directory in a location that Dropbox is syncing in the background (though NZ doesn’t actually move the data for you, so you’ll have to do that yourself; this is known as “passive” sync).
To bring multiple devices' Zyzzyva data directories into sync, they all need to target the same Apps/Zyzzyva folder in the same user's Dropbox cloud storage. (Important: Zyzzyva's active-sync engine won't link up with a Dropbox app folder that it didn't create, so, we recommend you start your Dropbox sync relationship by doing an active sync of your habitual Zyzzyva installation, the one that has your “good” quiz data.)
When firing up any new NZ or NZM installation, press the Sync button, sign in to Dropbox and give permission when prompted, and then — please! — if you see prompts about conflicted items, read those questions before you agree to proceed with the sync. The first time you sync, there may be conflicts between older, useful cardbox/quiz-statistics databases on Dropbox and newer, but useless databases just established on your mobile device; if so, you should tell it to sync in one direction only, from Dropbox to your mobile device, by answering Yes to the first question and No to the second before answering Yes to start syncing. It will take a while, and it will try to keep your device awake, because Zyzzyva’s active-sync engine isn’t programmed to pause a sync and finish it later; since iOS tolerates only short periods of background activity before killing an active app, you should let it run in the foreground.
After one or more tries, having completed this initial sync, Zyzzyva will only sync files that have changed, so it’ll be very quick. The one thing to remember, to avoid disappointment, is to sync when you start cardboxing and again when you stop, because otherwise you could end up with two or more devices that both think they have newer cardbox data, and this will be flagged as a sync conflict later on.
There is one Anagrams cardbox for each lexicon, and the contents won’t automatically be brought forward when you begin to study a new one. When a new lexicon is released and you want to move your quiz statistics and cardbox data forward, the simplest way is to use Zyzzyva’s import features. In NZ’s Cardbox tab, target the new lexicon, then click Import… and choose the old lexicon; in NZM’s Manage tab, target the new lexicon, press Action, choose Import From Lexicon and choose the old lexicon. Either way, your Anagrams cardbox data will come over, along with the rest of the quiz history for that lexicon. (That’s why, when the import finishes, the number it reports will probably be larger than the number of questions in your cardbox.) If you use Zyzzyva’s data-synchronization feature, this update will sync to all of your devices along with the rest of your data directory.
This page was last edited on 20 January 2024, at 15:07. Privacy policy
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