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Advisory Board Member Emeritus Matt Hopkins was the first Advisory Board member to be so honored, as announced on February 4, 2010.
I called Matt Hopkins on Wednesday, February 3, and told him I had two things to talk to him about.
First, I asked how he was doing as I had heard plenty of not so good reports concerning his health. He said he “is still kicking the soccer ball, it just doesn't go as far right now.”
He went on say that he really missed going to and directing tournaments. He has been able to keep abreast online, but he missed being in the middle of it all. "Connie Creed has taken over the Atlantic City tournament and is doing a wonderful job. But, I am still playing, still going to club."
Then I asked if he would accept the assignation of Advisory Board Member Emeritus. He said plenty, I wrote down some of the quotations:
“I am honored, humbled and deeply moved by this.”
On the High School Scrabble League in Philadelphia, “I feel that my influences on the game are still out there. I am so glad that you haven't forgotten me.” He asked for good thoughts and prayers.
Then he said, “You have made my day. I feel stronger now.”
And he ended the conversation with, “My best is yet to come.”
Thanks for everything, Matt.
Congratulations to Matt Hopkins on being named Advisory Board Member Emeritus.
Matt Hopkins has been one of the finest individuals we’ve known and worked with in our 20 plus years at the National SCRABBLE Association.
Though intensely private, Matt put himself out there both in the Scrabble world and the world at large. Matt is one of the more intellectually curious people I've met and always seemed to be continually evolving and trying to better himself on any number of fronts.
In addition, he almost single-handedly brought the Scrabble scene in Philadelphia from almost moribund to thriving among both children and adults alike.
Matt has raised the bar very high indeed for Scrabble organizers everywhere.
John D. Williams Jr., Executive Director
National SCRABBLE Association
Not only is Matt Hopkins an NSA Director/Person of the Year and Club Director, more importantly I call him a friend. Although we had worked side by side at many Nationals together, I really got to know and appreciate Matt as he helped the NSA take the School SCRABBLE outreach to the next level.
Working as a team, Matt and I helped create the first ever SCRABBLE Girl Scout Patch by introducing our favorite word game to troops in the Phoenix Arizona Cactus Pine Council. Now troops all over the country can earn the patch (designed by the team at the NSA) from Cactus Pine.
I so admire Matt also as he continues to be an inspiration in Philadelphia, helping to introduce and then launch an impressive 60+ School Clubs with the Philadelphia ASAP (After School Activities Partnerships) in less than 3 years. Together we have done workshops in Arizona, Baltimore, Palm Beach and Philadelphia ....with fond memories of many a fun dinner talking of books we love, music we listen to, personal goals & challenges and of course setting new goals for ourselves on how we can spread the message of what a great learning tool SCRABBLE is.
Jane Ratsey Williams, Director of Operations
National SCRABBLE Association
This page was last edited on 4 February 2010, at 23:06. Privacy policy
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