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This page outlines the criteria that will be used to select the players who qualify to represent Canada at the 2019 WESPA Championship (WESPAC2019).
WESPAC2019 is an event with national allocations resembling those of the World SCRABBLE Championship (WSC). It will be held in Goa, India, from October 16-20, 2019. (There will also be a Last Chance Qualifier on October 15, 2019 in Goa that will select additional players.) Canada has been allotted 10 spots for the WESPAC2019. This document sets out how the 10 qualifiers will be chosen.
All players wishing to qualify must be NASPA members in good standing.
Canadian citizens and permanent residents are eligible.
Temporary Residents (TRs) are eligible with the following restrictions:
Players wishing to register for the qualification process can do so by contacting any member of the Canadian Committee. The application deadline for qualifying by peak rating is 11:59 p.m. Pacific time on June 16, 2019. The deadline for registering for the Qualifying Tournament(s) will be determined later.
The qualification period began on December 1, 2017 and ends on June 16, 2019. The qualification tournament(s), if held, will be held sometime thereafter.
Note: Tournaments that are in progress at the beginning or end of the QP will be considered to fall within the QP.
These are spots awarded by WESPA, typically for being a finalist in the previous WSC. Any spots awarded by WESPA do not count against Canada’s allotment. No one from Canada is expected to receive a spot awarded by WESPA for WESPAC2019.
These spots are awarded to eligible players who finished in the top quarter of the 119 person field in WESPAC 2017 while representing Canada. Players already awarded WESPA byes are not considered part of Canada’s allotment and do not count against the maximum number of spots to be awarded. These spots must be accepted before June 16, 2019. Any spots not claimed under this provision will be awarded based on peak rating.
Qualified under this criterion:
Adam Logan declined this spot.
Two spots will be reserved for a qualifying tournament or tournaments. The remaining 8 spots will be awarded based on Peak Rating.
Note: Second highest rating can be taken from either rating system.
If more than 10 qualified players register for the qualification process, there will be a qualifying tournament or tournaments according to the following procedure: If there are at least 4 non-qualifiers nationwide, at least one Qualifying Tournament will be run.
The following players have registered and qualified to represent Canada at WESPAC2019:
The following players have registered for WESPAC2019:
Players who accept an allotted spot under criteria 2 or 3, and who withdraw without a valid reason after the QT will not be permitted to qualify for the next event with WSC-like national allocations except through the QT.
Any dispute regarding the interpretation of any of the above rules and criteria will be resolved by the NASPA Canadian Committee.
This page was last edited on 12 August 2019, at 20:22. Privacy policy
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