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This player bulletin page is updated occasionally with information for participants in the 2014 National SCRABBLE Championship.
Remember that the check-in desk at the NSC will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Friday, August 8. If you are unable to check-in during that time, you must secure a proxy to check-in for you, or you risk being excluded from the initial rounds of pairings on Saturday.
Participants in the 2014 National Scrabble Championship are responsible for bringing all equipment necessary to play in the tournament. If neither player in a game has equipment available for their game, a double forfeit may be imposed.
The Buffalo Scrabble club has provided this list of Buffalo Activities for players' enjoyment. Additional information about Buffalo will be provided in player packets.
Registration for the 2014 NSC closes at 11:59 p.m. on July 30, 2014. Beginning at midnight Eastern Time on July 31, entries will only be accepted to make a division even.
Those who have registered for the NSC Reception are listed on the Reception Attendees list.
If you plan to attend the reception, and you see your name listed there, you need do nothing further.
If you wish to attend, and are not listed, you must contact us at prior to midnight on July 31, 2014.
Reception admission is free to NASPA life members, directors, and committee members, and $29 per person to others.
Registration is required for all attendees, including those who may attend for free.
The Buffalo Scrabble Club (No. 456) meets on Thursday evenings and would like to invite any players in town early for the NSC to attend our club meeting and a buffet dinner on Thursday August 7.
The club members will provide a potluck style dinner beginning at 6:00 pm followed by our regular 3-game club meeting at 7:00. The evening is free of charge for visitors. We would appreciate an RSVP by Wednesday August 6 from players planning to attend so that we can set up enough tables.
The club meets at the Kenmore Baptist Church, 10 Wardman Road, Kenmore NY 14217. The church is just east of Delaware Avenue about 5 miles north of the NSC hotel/convention center in downtown Buffalo. Buffalo Club members can help with transportation for those players without cars.
To RSVP or for more info, directions, or to request a ride, please contact Joan Tondra: or 716-847-0391.
This page was last edited on 4 August 2014, at 11:10. Privacy policy
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