Software plays a major role in organized Scrabble activities.
NASPA's Web Committee offers web hosting space to software developers
and works with them to develop standards.
The Technology Committee evaluates and certifies word judge software for use at tournaments and clubs.
NASPA also licenses the NASPA Word List and NASPA School Word List for use by developers. Please
contact us if you would like to use our word list in your application.
Certification and licensing are separate processes; software may be either, neither, or both. Uncertified, unlicensed software is listed here only for information purposes, and not as an endorsement.
Certified word judge software
NASPA recommends that tournaments and clubs use laptops running word adjudication software to process
challenges in competitive games. The following Software Self Lookup (SSL) programs were evaluated by the Technology Committee and are approved for use in club and tournament situations as noted below.
- Features: anagramming, definitions, word judge, word study
- Developers: Michael Thelen, Zyzzyva Committee
- Systems: Android, iOS
- Notes: Certified and licensed.
- Features: anagramming, word judge
- Developer: Mike Wolfberg
- System: Windows
- Notes: Certified and licensed. Stands for "Wolfberg's Helpful Anagramming Tool".
Tournament management software
Tournament management software assists the director in pairing players, recording game results, generating pairing reports and standings for printing, and generating final tournament data for submission to NASPA for rating of tournaments. There is not yet a certification process for this category of software.
Licensed software
The following software contain licensed copies of NASPA word lists, but have not been certified for competitive use.
- Features: word study
- Developer: César Del Solar
- Systems: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists. Features competitive high-score lists.
- Features: single- or multi-player anagramming game
- Developer: Chris Grubb
- Systems: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: single- or multi-player anagramming game
- Developer: Carl Johnson
- Systems: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: word lookup
- Developer: Peter Bayerle
- Systems: iOS
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: multi-player word game
- Developer: Will Dumaresq
- Systems: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: multi-player word game
- Developer: Will Dumaresq
- Systems: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: word game
- Developer: Dave Weaver
- Systems: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: word game
- Developer: Marcin Sawicki
- Systems: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: multi-player crossword game with many types of boards
- Developer: Will Dumaresq
- Systems: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: crossword puzzles to develop Scrabble vocabulary
- Developer: Harold Dreibelbis
- Systems: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: word lookup
- Developer: William Forster
- Systems: iOS
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: single- or multi-player word game
- Developer: Artist Arcade
- Systems: iOS
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: single-player word game
- Developer: Jazeel Abdul-Jabbar
- Systems: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: anagramming, word judge, word study, game timer
- Developer: Dana Bell
- Systems: Android, Windows
- Notes: Licensed, but not certified as a competitive word judge tool or game timer.
- Features: multi-player word game
- Developer: Knute Sears
- Systems: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: single-player anagramming game
- Developer: Brad Greenlee
- System: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: single-player anagramming game
- Developer: Chris Grubb
- Systems: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: single-player anagramming game
- Developer: Chris Grubb
- Systems: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: game analysis
- Developer: César Del Solar
- Systems: Linux, macOS, Windows
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: anagramming, game analysis, game play
- Developers: Jason Katz-Brown, John O'Laughlin, John Fultz
- Systems: Linux, macOS, Windows
- Notes: Licensed. Strongest Scrabble playing program in the world. It is used by many players for training, and to analyze their games to improve their future play.
- Features: multi-player word game
- Developer: DBC Games, LLC
- System: Android, iOS
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: board capture, move suggestion
- Developer: Maciej Poćwierz
- System: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: multi-player word game
- Developer: Vladimir Muzyka
- System: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: solver for popular spelling puzzle
- Developer: Brad Greenlee
- System: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: anagram game
- Developer: AK Sommerville
- System: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: single- or multi-player anagramming game
- Developer: Jay Chan
- System: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: daily word search game
- Developer: Michael Giuffrida
- System: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: single-player word game
- Developer: Pete Muller, Dave Williams, and Mack Meller
- System: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: word games and quizzes
- Developer: Christopher Sykes
- System: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: anagramming, game timer, word judge
- Developer: Seth Lipkin
- System: iOS
- Notes: Licensed, but not certified as a competitive word judge tool or game timer.
- Features: C++ library that quickly computes move generation and board-based logic
- Developer: Adam Escobedo
- System: C++
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: anagramming, game timer, word judge
- Developer: Wali Khubaib
- Systems: Android
- Notes: Licensed, but not certified as a competitive word judge tool or game timer.
- Features: multi-player word game
- Developer: César Del Solar
- Systems: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: multi-player word search game
- Developer: Ky MacPherson
- Systems: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: word judge
- Developer: Pisanu Chaloemrattanaporn
- Systems: Android
- Notes: Licensed, but not certified as a competitive word judge tool.
- Features: word judge
- Developer: Fabien Maurice
- Systems: iOS
- Notes: Licensed, but not certified as a competitive word judge tool.
- Features: anagramming
- Developer: Fabien Maurice
- Systems: iOS
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: word game
- Developer: Rob Johansen
- Systems: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: word judge
- Developer: Art Moore
- Systems: web app for PCs, MACS, and Chromebooks
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: duplicate word game
- Developer: SourceGear
- Systems: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: anagrams word game
- Developer: Greenrift Software
- Systems: Android
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: word study
- Developer: Chris Grubb
- Systems: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: word game
- Developer: Tim Gardner
- Systems: Android, iOS
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists in its own word game.
- Features: multi-player word game built to allow blind players to participate
- Developer: Themis Games
- Systems: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: word judge
- Developer: Claire Marlier
- Systems: iOS
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: multi-player word game
- Developer: SourceGear
- Systems: iOS
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
- Features: anagramming games
- Developer: Jacky Girling
- Systems: web app
- Notes: Licensed to use official word lists.
Unlicensed software
The following software is neither certified nor licensed, but may be of interest to our
- Features: word study
- Developer: John Chew
- Systems: Linux, macOS, Windows
- Notes: Unlicensed. Generic flashcarding tool intended for word study, does not ship with word lists, supports bulk input of quiz text files
Legacy Software
Software that is no longer actively supported, or has not been updated to current
standards, can be found in a separate list of legacy software.