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An Apprentice Director is a certified NASPA director, who has typically passed a written examination but not yet finished serving apprenticeship under an experienced mentor director.
An Apprentice Director is entitled to organize or direct a NASPA club or tournament, and has additional rights and responsibilities as listed in our Directors page. The apprentice performs directorial duties under the supervision of a mentor director. If the apprentice is at least 21 years of age, that supervision may at the discretion of the mentor consist simply of the mentor being reachable for any necessary advice.
Applications for apprenticeship from members aged under 18 are considered on a case-by-case basis, and must be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from a tournament director who knows the applicant personally. Apprentice Directors must attain their local age of majority prior to completing their apprenticeship. An apprentice director who is under 18 and not yet of age is called a Youth Apprentice Director. An apprentice director who is 18–20 and not yet of age is called a Young Adult Apprentice Director.
An Apprentice Director may advance to become a Tournament Coordinator, Club Director or Tournament/Club Director when their mentor director decides that the apprentice is ready.
This page was last edited on 12 June 2014, at 16:06. Privacy policy
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