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III.G.3. Misoriented Tiles
If any played tiles (excluding blanks) do not follow the established orientation of the game, but are in the correct position, you may restart the offending player’s clock stating that the tiles must be oriented correctly. You also have the option to reorient the tiles yourself.
IV.B.3. Loose Tiles
If a tile spills out while drawing, and otherwise that player has not drawn all replacement tiles, that tile should be considered part of the draw.
As long as there are more than 7 tiles remaining in the bag, any tiles that come out of the bag inadvertently should be shown to both players and then returned to the bag.
If it is late in the game, but there are still more than 7 tiles in the bag, the Director should use discretion based on number of tiles exposed as to whether the following penalty should be applied.
When there are fewer than 7 tiles remaining in the bag, even if those inadvertent tiles land face down, if the player responsible for exposing those tiles is the player WHOSE TURN IT IS TO MAKE A PLAY, see “IV.B.8. Exposing or Overdrawing Tiles when Fewer than 7 in the Bag” on page 15.
If a loose tile (or tiles) is discovered on or near the table, both players are responsible for checking the board to make sure that it (and/or any other tiles) was not dislodged from or moved on the board. If so, these tiles should be put back into place. If both players agree that it did not come from the board, the tiles will be returned to the bag. (If the bag is empty when a loose tile is discovered, see “V.C. Finding Missing Tiles Near the End of the Game” on page 27.) If it is determined later in the game that the tile had in fact come from the board, refer to “IV.B.4. Played Tiles Gone Missing” on page 13.
IV.B.4. Played Tiles Gone Missing
If it is discovered that a previously played tile is missing from the board, and cannot be located in the playing area—excluding racks—call the Director.
The Director should first count how many of that lettered tile are on the board. The Director should then look on each player’s rack. If the LAST of that letter is on either rack, it should be returned to the board and a new tile drawn. If the LAST two of that same letter is on both player’s rack, try to determine who picked it up so it can be returned to the board. If there are more of that letter unaccounted for, the Director should take the bag to a separate area to determine if there is an excess number of that letter in the bag. If so, the tile should be returned to the board. If all else fails, the Director should put a placeholder (a tile from another set or a facsimile) in that spot.
If the spot vacated by the missing tile was subsequently taken by another tile, the found tile should be set aside.
In a recount, however, the original score is counted as if the tile were still in place, but only for those plays that were made when the tile was in place.
IV.F.2. Disputes
If a previous blank designation had not been obliterated from the slip, the clock should be neutralized and the blank designation slip be corrected. The blank player’s clock should be restarted if a new designation had not yet been made or the opponent’s clock started if the newly played blank had been designated.
IV.I.2. Holding the Play
When you draw courtesy tiles, you remain on hold until your opponent either (i) clearly states “Release” or “I accept the play” or (ii) starts your clock at the end of his/her turn.
This page was last edited on 14 October 2015, at 09:45. Privacy policy
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