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SCRABBLE players not only play their game with their own dictionary, they have their own language for talking about it. If you don't see your favorite game jargon listed here, please email us at info@scrabbleplayers.org to ask us about it.

A shorter glossary is also available at the back of our official rules.

The alphabetic arrangement of a group of letters. Example: BEGNU is the alphagram of the word BEGUN.
A word that is spelled with the exact same letters as another word. Example: RIDES is an anagram of SIRED and vice versa.
A play made by adding two or more letters to the end of an existing word.
A letter that can be added to the end of a word to form another word.
BAG (n)
The game equipment in which TILEs that are not yet in play are held.
Making a play that improves EQUITY by keeping tiles likely to score well on future turns, such as ERS.
A play made by adding at least one letter to each end of an existing word.
BINGO (n, v)
A play that earns a 50-point bonus for using all seven tiles at once. To make such a play.
Two consecutive bingoes by the same player. To make such plays.
A group of tiles that are likely to produce a bingo. Often used to describe a player's set of three to six tiles just before drawing his or her replacement tiles. Example: ERS?, AL? or AERST.
One of the two zero-value TILEs that whose letter value may be DESIGNATEd by the player playing it.
A bingo that includes a blank tile.
To make a play that prevents the opponent from making an important or high-scoring play.
To deliberately play a word that you are not sure is acceptable. This is common and accepted in competitive play.
The piece of game equipment on which played TILEs are placed.
A designated square on the BOARD which affects the score of words played covering it on the first turn in which it is covered.
To cheat by identifying unseen tiles by touch.
A bingo scoring fewer than 60 points.
A formal objection to the validity of a play. To make such an objection.
The form on which a challenge is recorded prior to its adjudication.
CLOSED (adj)
A BOARD position is said to be closed when there are few places where new words may be added.
To speak during play so as to distract or mislead one's opponent.
A form on which a player can keep track of their record in a tournament.
CSC (abbr)
The rule under which a player may draw and look at provisional tiles when the opponent takes longer than a designated period to decide whether or not to CHALLENGE a play.
A formerly used alternative measure for ranking players at an event. One once commonly used version awarded 35 credits for playing a game, 5 points for winning a game, -5 points for losing a game and 1 point for every 10 points of spread (signed as necessary), all limited to the range 10~60.
To record the value of a BLANK when it is played.
DLS (abbr)
To draw both of the BLANKs in a game.
A play that covers two DOUBLE WORD SCOREs. To make such a play.
A BONUS SQUARE which doubles the score of the tile played covering it.
A BONUS SQUARE which doubles the score of a word played covering it.
DUMP (v)
To get rid of unwanted tiles, either by playing them onto the BOARD or returning them to the bag, to BALANCE A RACK.
The usually undesirable state of having more than one of a TILE on a RACK.
DWS (abbr)
The part of a game when the BAG is empty.
The act of using a turn to replace unwanted TILEs with new ones from the BAG. To perform this act.
The statistically expected amount by which one's score will change over the remainder of the game.
FISH (n, v)
A play intended to result in the drawing of the tiles needed to play a high-scoring word on the next turn. To make such a play.
A printed list of the distribution of tiles in a standard set.
A play made by adding two or more letters to the beginning of an existing word.
A letter that can be added to the beginning of a word to form another word.
HOLD (v)
To instruct one's opponent not to draw replacement tiles while a player is considering a CHALLENGE.
HOOK (n, v)
A BACK HOOK or FRONT HOOK. To make a play including such a letter.
A square on the BOARD that is statistically expected to account for a large number of points scored.
TLS: Triple Letter Score. TWS: Triple Word Score. ?: The blank tile. The letter representing the blank is often highlighted in diagrams, underlined or parenthesized in text, or written in lower case. OWL, TWL, OTCWL: The Official Tournament and Club Word List.
The part of a game when there are 1–7 TILEs remaining in the BAG.

LEAVE The leave is the group of tiles left on a player's rack after making a play and before drawing new tiles.

A TILE that has a letter on it, as opposed to a BLANK.

NATURAL BINGO A bingo that does not use a blank tile. Also called a "Natural". NEUTRALIZE CLOCK To stop the game clock. Neither player's time continues during challenges, rule disputes or score verifications. NEW WORD LIST A word list superseded by OWL. NONGO A bingo on your rack that won't play on the board.

OPEN (adj)
A board position is said to be open when there are many places where new words may be added.
The first word placed on the BOARD.

OSPD2+ See "New Word List". OVERDRAWING When one player draws more tiles from the bag than is appropriate. See Rule (III.C) for the penalty for this situation. OWL As of March 1998 OWL (the Official Tournament and Club Word List published by Merriam-Webster, Inc.) is the official word source for all sanctioned NSA Clubs and Tournaments. PARALLEL PLAY A word played parallel to another word. Example: With MAR on the board, LATE is a parallel play

  M  A  R

L A T E PASSING A player may pass his/her turn by not exchanging tiles and not making a play on the board. The player scores zero and says "Pass!" and starts opponent's timer. It is now opponent's turn. Note that when there are 6 consecutive scores of zero in a game, the game is finished. PHONEY Any unacceptable word. An unacceptable word is one that is not found in the OWL. Or, if it has more than nine letters and the word is not found in the Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition. If a phoney is not challenged when it's played, however, it will stay on the board for the remainder of the game. POINT SPREAD See "SPREAD". POWER TILES There are ten power tiles. They are the two blanks, the four Ss and the J, Q, X and Z. PREPRINTED TRACKING SHEET Also called Frequency List. This sheet of paper has printed on it either the alphabet or a partial or complete list of the 100 lettered tiles used in one SCRABBLE® game. See "TRACKING".

The piece of game equipment used to hold TILEs in the possession of a player.

RACK BALANCE See "BALANCING YOUR RACK". RACK MANAGEMENT Good "Rack Management" is the policy of managing your leave each turn to be as flexible as possible. In this case "flexible" means your leave will combine with as many draws as possible to form seven-letter racks that score well. RATING For every sanctioned National SCRABBLE® Association tournament a new rating is computed for each of the contestants. The rating represents how well an entrant is playing in relation to other players. The higher the rating, the more skillful the player. Ratings currently range from 400-2100. ROUNDS In club or tournament play, one game is one round. There are five or six rounds (games) per day at most tournaments. SAND TIMER In some tournaments and clubs, a three-minute sand-timer is used to time each player's turn. SECOND OPINION If a player believes the Word Judge has made a mistake, s/he may ask for a second person to research the challenge. That second judgment is know as the "second opinion". If the second opinion contradicts the original one, a third opinion may be called for.

Of a word played, made using existing tiles on the board, at least two of which are not contiguous.

SIMULATION Using a specific computer program that can play out positions thousands of times very quickly, it can be determined which play is worth more in the long run. For instance, PLAY #1 may immediately give you 30pt while Play #2 gives you 20pt. But in the long run, Play #2 may allow you to follow it up with plays that earn 5 more points than Play #1 (combining both this turn's play with next turn's play and considering your rack leave after that). In simpler terms, this may mean that if you play out this position 2000 times, you'll wind up earning 5 more points with Play #2 than with Play #1. This also takes into account how many points your opponent will earn. Simulation is an excellent tool for SCRABBLE® game analysis, although it isn't foolproof. Most of the positions in our SCRABBLE News Annotated Game use simulations to check results. But sometimes the expert player will strongly disagree with these results due to extraneous factors: naive simulation randomizes opponent's rack (sometimes we have information about opponent's rack) and also only gives a point score evaluation of various plays - not winning chances. SPREAD The difference between the winning and losing score of a game. Example: If the score of a game is 350-280, then the spread is +70pt for the winner and -70pt for the loser. STEMS Certain five- and six-letter combinations of letters are so useful for forming bingos that lists of bingos have been printed that use these five- and six-letter stems. Some of the more useful stems are: STARE, STANE, RETINA, SATINE, SATIRE. By learning these lists and saving these letters, players will be able to play bingos more often.

a word that can be made from some of the letters of a longer word, suitably rearranged.

TEAM GAME This term is most often used to describe a SCRABBLE® game played with at least three people and as many as six or eight. Only two sides compete with one rack each. Each team discusses their potential plays before making the final play on the board. A team game is a good vehicle for teaching or for simply having a lighter, more sociable atmosphere during a game. Talking is permitted, though each side tries to keep from revealing too much information about their tiles to the opposing team.

TILE (n)
Any of the 100 playing pieces which the game is played: a BLANK or LETTER TILE.

TOTAL (CUMULATIVE) SPREAD Over the course of many games the plus (+) or minus (-) spread for each game is added together. At the end of the tournament each player has a total spread for the event. TOURNAMENT CLOCK Often called a chess clock, it is actually two clocks housed in one case. Sanctioned tournament games are times using these clocks. Each player has 25 minutes to play the entire game. After making a play, the player starts his/her opponent's time by pressing one of the two buttons on the top of the clock. The game continues in this fashion until finished. Players are penalized 10 points per minute for every minute or fraction thereof used over the allotted 25.

To count the tiles played so as to determine which tiles are as yet unplayed.
A form listing all of the tiles in a complete set, so that they can be crossed out while TRACKing.

TRADING TILES See "EXCHANGING TILES". TRIPLE-TRIPLE When a player makes a play that covers two Triple Word Squares. The bonus for covering two TWSs on one play: multiply by nine the sum of the value of the letters of the "Triple-Triple" word. The sum should include the extra values earned from any DLS covered that turn. TURNOVER Players are going for "turnover" when they play as many tiles as possible in order to draw as many new tiles as possible. By playing for turnover (usually using 5 or 6 tiles in one play), a player maximizes his/her chances for drawing the better tiles (In order from first to fifth they are: blank, S, E, X, Z). If you have played 60 tiles in a game, you had a 60% chance of drawing the good tiles. That's a 50% better chance than your opponent had. TWO(S)-TO-MAKE-THREES Two-letter words that will take a third letter placed either in front or back to form a three-letter word. Example: AN is a two-to-make-three because BAN, CAN, etc., as well as AND, ANT, and ANY, are words. The three-letter word, BAN, CAN, and ANT, and ANY, are also known as two-to-make-threes. WORD JUDGES Special workers designated to adjudicate players' challenges at clubs and tournaments.