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Welcome to the home page of NASPA Zyzzyva, a word study program originally written by Michael Thelen and now maintained by the Zyzzyva Committee. Zyzzyva is a free download, but its use with some copyrighted lexicons may require authentication.
NASPA Zyzzyva is the word judge program of choice at major events such as the North American SCRABBLE Championship, the North American School SCRABBLE Championship, the Canadian National SCRABBLE Championship, and the World SCRABBLE Championship, as well as at smaller events, clubs, and gatherings around the world.
The current version of NASPA Zyzzyva is Version 3.1.0, released on 2016-08-23, and includes OTCWL2016.
Thank you for visiting. We hope you enjoy Zyzzyva, and happy studying!
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