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This member news page contains notices about Scrabble players and links to articles about them in the press. Other articles may be found in the NASPA News, periodical Bulletins or the club news page.
To have your news item considered for publication here, please send it to Club/Director Committee or Web Committee.
On January 15, Chris Schneider, seeing ZING on the board, extended it with OSTRACI for OSTRACIZING.
Congratulations from Directors Mary Rhoades, Kate Watson and Dee Segrest and Bedford Scrabble Club #248!
On Oct 21, Craig Rowland had 5 consecutive bingoes against Priya Fernando:
Congratulations from Directors Shan Abbasi and Jean Barinque and Mississauga Scrabble Club #422!
Ted Barrett, the winner of the 5th division at the 2010 National SCRABBLE Championship was featured in an article by Burlington County Times.
Congratulations to 2009 National SCRABBLE Championship Division 4 Leader Allen Pengelly and his wife Jenna Paikowsky on the birth of their daughters Sarah Isabelle Pengelly and Natasha Claire Pengelly on July 15th, 2010.
KETV 7 featured the Omaha tournament on July 10–11, 2010 in their local news.
The New Hampshire Union Leader published an article about the tournament in Nashua on June 19–20, 2010.
Matt was featured in an online article and a video clip by San Antonio Express-News. He is being inducted in Texas Scrabble Hall of Fame during a tournament in Salado.
Story at about Jesse's new Scrabble club that will meet Thursday evenings, starting January 7, 2010.
Story in the Chicago Tribune about the upcoming NASPA tournament at Elmhurst, IL, held November 28-29, 2010.
Story in the Kelowna Capitol News about Jesse's history in Scrabble and a current fundraiser where he takes on all comers.
Story at about Dave's second time winning the NSC.
A nice write up about Max Karten, who won Division 4 at NSC in Dayton, is at .
Juanita Scott Washington, known to her friends as Nita, was a charter member of the Jackson, Mississippi NASPA Club #427. She attended the first meeting in November of 1994 and missed very few meetings in the years since, making the one-hour drive from Yazoo City regularly. For the last several years, she served as Club Director. She moved the club's tournament from Jackson to Yazoo City and attracted a good turnout with her well-known hospitality. Just one among her many loving touches was serving her homemade ice cream to everyone at the tournament each year. She was a fixture at southern tournaments. As a player, you never assumed you had a game won when playing Nita. Everyone in the club has had the experience of Nita's coming from 100 points or more behind to pull out a spectacular win. She was at the club meetings in May, as usual filling everyone with her smile and enthusiasm for the game. She passed away in June at the age of 62, after losing a very brief battle with cancer. Club #427 will be naming their annual tournament in her honor.
Gary Moss reports that Maddy Kamen is the 2009 - 2010 Club #350 Scrabble Champion. Congratulations, Maddy!
Billie is a long-time player, formerly from northeast Arkansas, and now lives in Alabama.
Source: Tuscaloosa News, June 7, 2009.
Congratulations to Jim Geary on his 3rd place finish in the 2009 World Series of Poker event #11!
Source: Poker News, June 6, 2009.
Congratulations to Geoff Thevenot for winning The Austin Chronicle Adult Spelling Bee. The paper featured the competition in its sports column “Playing Through” by Thomas Hackett:
The Threadgill’s competition started with nearly 200 entrants. Each round cut the field roughly in half, until finally Thevenot was in a showdown with Dave Riddle, a lawyer from Pacific Grove, Calif. The word that tripped up Riddle was “onomatopoeically.” In case you’re wondering, that's spelled, “o-n-o-m-a-t-o-p-o-e-i-c-a-l-l-y.”
How do I know this? Because Geoff Thevenot said so.
Source: Playing Through by Thomas Hackett, The Austin Chronicle, May 29, 2009.
This page was last edited on 2 August 2021, at 12:08. Privacy policy
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